My Grandmother's house by Kamala Das

12:11 Add Comment
There is a house now far away where onceI received love……. That woman died,The house withdrew into silence, snakes movedAmong books, I was then too youngTo read, and my blood turned cold like the moonHow often I think of goingThere, to peer through blind eyes of windows orJust...


11:38 Add Comment
Fingers grip Toes curl Head down Wheels whirl Hair streams Fields race Ears sting Winds chase Breathe deep Troubles gone Just feel Windsong.                                     ...

Discovery by Gayatri Pahlajani

11:29 Add Comment
I want to climb the highest tree  Study stars and their mystery I want to touch the clouds above  Find someone I can talk to, now! I want to be a designer-Make dreams that Just don't disappear.  I want to be on artist too -Paint pictures of me and you. There...

Inclusion by Dipti Bhatia

11:25 Add Comment
To be a part And not stand apart To belong And not to be isolated To have friends And not just companions To feel needed And not be just a person with needs To participate And not just be a spectator To have responsibilities And not just enjoy rights To have opportunities And...

Bat by Randall Jarell

09:04 Add Comment
This poem portrays the nocturnal [living as if night was the day] life of a mother bat, revealing her similarity with some other mammals in mothering a child The poet describes the little bat's life right from time of its birth observing its habits, its abilities and its...
